Video adds personality to your resume

After the first selection round based on resume and a motivation letter, Janny van Logten, Senior Corporate Recruiter at Enexis Group, uses video in order to get to know the person behind the resume. Janny has noticed that in addition to the job’s hard criteria, the candidate’s personality is super important. It’s about the intrinsic motivation of the employee; how can they contribute and what are their motivation and goals? Knowledge is easier to convey, so it’s all about the motivation and incentives. Video helps to get a glimpse into the candidate’s mindset, before the official live interview.

To prepare the candidates for recording a video, Janny adds to the job description that a video pitch (introducing yourself in one minute) can be a part of the recruitment process. In the email invitation, the applicant also receives a video from the CEO, in which he explains that he likes to have a different approach to recruitment within Fudura (a separate entity within the holding), hence the video pitch. This makes the recruitment process way more personal. The candidates respond very well to this opportunity and there is almost no one who is not willing to submit a video pitch. When they eventually meet Janny, the candidates recognize the working environment and immediately feel familiar. And all of this as a result of the CEO’s video.

Janny explains that she now spends less time on job interviews since she is able to invite fewer candidates for the live interview. So the match between the candidates and the position is higher.


Recruiting with video offers unique candidates

Because Enexis uses video as a part of their recruitment process, candidates who otherwise would not be invited, because they do not 100% fit the requirements, now have a chance to prove themselves in their video.

Janny says that when she receives a very convincing video from candidates, she automatically invites them for the interview.

In one year 8 candidates were hired that did not had a fit based on their resume. After all, the willingness to learn is far more important.

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